Unwavering Faith provides a miracle in the Ivory Coast

Per Hyldgaard chains broken

One of our supported Evangelist Ministries recently held a crusade in the Ivory Coast.  We have to share an amazing miracle that took place during this event:

During the first two nights of the crusade, many of us noticed a man who was actually bound in chains and was being led around by another man.  The chained man was obviously very insane because he was constantly yelling and screaming, never standing still and always in motion.  On the third night of the crusade something happened . . .a miracle took place and exactly at 4pm the man was totally changed!  Nobody was praying specifically for him at that moment but supernaturally, this man all at once became calm and mild mannered!  At the end of the evening the man who had been leading him around, brought the other man to the stage to testify what had happened.  We learned that they were brothers and the older brother had been protecting his brother from harming others and himself, the best he could by keeping him chained up, and with him at all times during the service.  He explained to us that his brother had been tormented by fierce, demonic voices for about 4 years and that while he was listening to us preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ, he started to believe that maybe this Jesus could heal his brother!  By faith he came back each night and suddenly on the third evening, everything changed!!!  His brother became very mild mannered, meek and very sweet!  The chains were removed and the man and his brother came onto the stage to tell everyone what had happened and gave us the biggest hug ever!!!  We all had tears of joy as we saw how Jesus had delivered this man from years of demonic torment!!!

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